Early stories in this sequence appeared in New Worlds – the first of all being "Sector General" (November 1957 New Worlds) – and several others in New Writings in SF.

To many readers (though his singleton novels are equally engaging) he is known almost exclusively for the tales about galactic Medicine comprising the Sector General sequence, set in a 384-level Space-Habitat hospital located "far out on the galactic Rim" and designed to accommodate all known kinds of Xenobiological problems its facilities include a computerized Universal Translator. He began to publish sf with "Assisted Passage" for New Worlds in 1953. His visible involvement with Fandom began with Slant (1948-1953) his articles appeared in many other Fanzines.

(1928-1999) UK author from Ulster who initially worked for various Belfast tailoring firms, as assistant manager of a department store, and from 1965 in various capacities for an aircraft company, ultimately as publicity officer 1968-1984 this mixed occupational experience is reflected in several of his works.