A copy of the transcript is available in the McCain Library, call number F341.5. Shelby Foote Oral History Interview, vol. He was also selected writer in residence at the University of Virginia in 1963 and nominated six times for the National Book Award. Through his work on the narrative history, Foote was supported by three Guggenheim fellowships. Two other volumes completed the massive history in 19. Volume I of The Civil War: A Narrative, which was completed in 1958, came to approximately 400,000 words. His contract was for a single volume of about 200,000 words. With the success of these works, Foote began writing a short history of the Civil War for Random House. His first novel, Tournament, was published in 1949, and four others followed by 1954. After the war, Foote returned to Greenville and worked for the Delta Democrat-Times.

With the latter unit, he served overseas and rose to the rank of captain. Following college, he served first in the National Guard and then in the Marine Corps during World War II.

He graduated from the public schools of Greenville and attended the University of North Carolina, a classmate of Walker and LeRoy Percy. Shelby Foote was born in Greenville, Mississippi, on November 17, 1916.